INTERNATIONAL EVENT, Meeting in Minutes, 15/11/2021 Vlorë, Albania

Posted by 6+1 Vlora TV on Monday, November 15, 2021

Partner’s List.

Welcome and introduction of partners 

In the name of Prof. Dr. Roland Zisi, Rector of University of Vlore, “Ismail Qemali” took the place voice Rector Mr. Enkelejd Mehilli to open the meeting with welcoming words to all the partners and participants in the room and gave introduction to University of Vlore’s involvement in projects regarding about the port as well some general information. In order to show all the presentation of all the partners involved in the project PORTS 4.0, Mr. Mehilli Invites all the partners to shortly present their organization in few minutes time slot. 

Ina Luca, Director of Institute of Transport, her speech was represent from the Shkelqim Gjevori that gave the worm welcome to all the partners involve to this important projects. 

Annachiara Stefanucci, Coordinator of the EU Funds Department in ITS Logistica Puglia, Taranto, Italy 
In her speech Mrs. Annachiara Stefanucci spoke about IST, and the importance of the PORTS 4.0 Project. Mrs. Stefanucci highlighted that ITS Logistica Puglia is the Lead Partner of the project called PORTS – Partnership for Surveillance and Study of New Roads and Transnational Highways, funded under the First Call for Proposals of INTERREG Italy-Albania-Montenegro. The PORTS aims to strengthen the maritime connections of Puglia with the Montenegrin and Albanian coasts in order to support the socio-economic growth of the INTERREG area and includes as project partners the Polytechnic University of Bari, the Albanian Transport Institute, the University of Montenegro and the Port Authority of the Taranto System. Furthermore, since 2018, the European Commission has been officially awarded ITS Logistica
Puglia with the “Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)”, which allows the Institute to participate in international initiatives and apply for funding under the Program “ERASMUS +” for Education, Training, Youth and Sports.

SESSION 1: COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY – Development pportunities in the Programme Area, sustainable maritime transport (Project Partners). Moderator – Florjan Xhelilaj

Mr. Florjan Xhelilaj has spoken about the work and projects that recently Institute of Transport has been involved. After the review of the main objectives of the project he gave online greeting to Ms. Annachiara Stefanucci and Prof. Dr. Danilo Nikolić, spoken about the agenda of the workshop. After that Mr. Xhelilaj invite them to represent their projects to participants in the room through online session.

Prof. Dr. Danilo Nikolić
, Full Professor at the Faculty of Maritime Studies Koror, University of Montenegro provides an overview of his research in Pollution of Maritime Transport, Emission to the atmosphere. Consequence as Climate change, Air quality, smog, health problems) connected to the air pollutants and other relevant substances.
Some of the hot issues mentions on his research are represented below:

  • Global CO2 Emission from Maritime Transport
  • Particulate Matter pollution overlaid on the world’s major shipping routes
  • Requirement for Control of Emission
  • Energy efficiency Regulation
  • EU Legislation, European Green Deal. Reaching 2030 Climate Target.
  • What does future bring? Shipping CO2 emission reduction by measures (2018-2050)
  • Uptake of Alternative Fuels in the World Fleet.
  • Center for Research, Innovations and Entrepreneurship Uptake of alternative fuels in the world fleet. Main goals and activities of the Center.
  • Prediction of pollutant and GHG Emission from ships in KOTOR Bay.
  • Measurement of PM concentration in Kotor Bay Area.
  • Research on fossil and alternative marine fuels.

TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS 4.0: COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY Shkelqim Gjevori, Chief of Study and Project of Albanian Institute of Transport present an overview of Co-operation with Maritime transport Operators necessary for planning, Management and drawing strategies. 

The main themes discussed during this presentation are summarized here below:

  • The PORTS 4.0 project aims to build a solid public and private network of stakeholders inthe field of logistics and shipping for a sustainable and smart development in the program area based on new technologies.
  • Sustainable maritime transport is about facilitating the efficient and timely transport ofgoods from origin to destination, while ensuring the sustainability, growth and
  • continued prosperity of the entities involved. 
  • Transport chain, role and importance for a sustainable and smart transport.
  • Adaptation, standardization of documentation at national and international level toincrease loading and unloading efficiency, improve coordination develop the use of electronic systems compared to manual work is a must.
  • Case study. Questionnaire and their role in strategic decision making.
  • Based on the information received for the three ports, a total of questionnaires with completed answers and results are represented to the participants.
  • Passenger transport survey “How would you consider passenger safety”?
  • Regarding the issue port fulfill and the safety requirements for the processing of dangerous goods
  • Digitalization for Passenger Transport.
  • The main objectives and Strategies (Specific Goals) for the Promotion of tourist attractions of the regions of the three ports.

SESSION 2: COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY - Achievement of a balance between the need for combining the competitiveness and sustainability. Moderator – Kristofor Lapa

, Lector at Faculty of Technical and Natural Sciences, University of Vlore “Ismail Qemali” in his project discussed about The city of Vlora and its maritime space that can be identified as that part of the territory of the country from where a sustainable economic model can be projected on the basis of a cross-sectorial strategy that combines the economic functions of tourism, fishing and commercial transport. 

The main points through the project shown to audience are shown below;

  • TOURISM AND ECONOMY BLUE based on cultural and natural resources is a basis for development and well-being
  • A key role of “BLUE ECONOMY” towards the development of tourism and with the center of the maritime dimension.
  • Vlora can guarantee a sustainable development of the tourism economy through: necessary infrastructure of marinas, massive culture of water sports and build integrated transport system.
  • The combination of sea, road, rail and air transport, within the regional framework, in the context of a multimodal system, would increase the flow of trade exchanges passing through Vlora.
  • The inclusion of the port, road ways, railway line and the new airport in a unique multimodal transport system provides fast service, creates new jobs and reduces environmental pollution. 
  • Marine Fishing as a very important economic mechanism in the maritime sector.
  • Development of Regional Joint Master Program in Maritime Environmental Protection and Management, Partners: Universities of Montenegro, Durres and Vlora.

, Lector at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Polytechnic of Tirana, discussed in his work about Port efficiency is an important indicator of Port performance. The main points represented in his presentation are:

  • Energy consumption is an important factor in port operations and port related economic activities
  • Energy sources uses nowadays, introduce Slow Steaming as the voluntary practice of sailing slower than a vessel’s design speed.
  • The Energy Consumption profile of the Port of Durres, uses of Electricity, Diesel as main source.
  • Measures to improve Energy Efficiency in the Port of Durres. Plans to provide onshore power supply in all terminals to reduce the Emission from the ships.
  • Conclusion for especially the adoption of a Port Energy Management Plan for the Port of Durres
  • Potential to improve energy efficiency by introducing measures such as Green Port
  • Policy, new technologies, ISO standards and renewable energy sources in the Port of Durres.

, Dean of Faculty of Professional Studies, University of Durres“ Aleksander Moisiu” in his case study introduce for the audience how the Pandemic COVID – 19 change in behaviour from the side of consumers, less services more products. 

Main topics mention in his presentation:

  • Competitions and port operator’s cooperation. Understanding
  • Public and Private sector’s reasonability role in Port Management
  • Role of Port Operators (Central government and Port Authorities )as the key roles on the port communities
  • Durres Container’s Terminal comparative analyses (AHP method)
  • Main and Sub Factors of port performance and competition abilities
  • A questionnaire was prepared by the author in order to get the professional opinion from the experts with maritime expertise especially dealing with logistics and container handling.
  • Discussion regarding Durres port (DCT) that has a very strategic position in the region N. Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia.

Msc. Erald Aliko
from University of Vlore “Ismail Qemali” in his project discussed about the main topic shown in the paragraph below:

  • Economic importance of shipping and polluting of participles in maritime transport
  • Comparison of CO2 emission between modes of transport
  • Drivers for sustainable development and Increasing demand for sustainable transport modes
  • Role of Green shipping , Environmentally friendly and socially acceptable but financially viable
  • Envorimental Regulation and preventation of Air pollutants from Ships .
  • Port Environnemental Management Plan as Key dimension in the green Policy on ports
  • Technologies and Operations Measures Adopted for improving Energie efficiency
  • Main technoligical solutions for for Port/Terminal Equipment and Vehicles
  • Port Energy consupmtion management strategy and Plan
  • Energy Efficiency Design Index, Ship Energy Efficience Management Plan
  • EU Energy Efficiency Policies and Certification
  • The Energy Consumtion profile of the Port of Durres and relocation of Port. New infrastructure challenge and also opportunities for the Port of Durres and Vlora.

, Chief of Department of Higher Technical Studies, University College of Business “KUB”, Tirana, in his project discussed about the Port efficiency is an important indicator of port performance; as more efficient ports reduce transportation costs and facilitate a country’s imports and exports. The efficiency of freight transport by sea depends on many factors, technological, digitalization, logistics, management which require continuous innovation and comprehensive decision making.

Here in the paragraph below is some of the main point of his project:

  • The links of Intermodal transport chain from Origin to Destination. Intermodal Transportation Solution.
  • What is Intermodal Transport and ADVANTAGES in economic development?
  • Example from these best practices of different countries that have invested in different sectors.
  • The main focus of EU intermodal developments on inland, rail and sea, water solutions.
  • Logistics and Technology required in Maritime Transport.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of maritime transport.
  • Technological and operational measures to improve port efficiency
  • Network transport operators as the big role in the efficiency of the maritime transport.

Dean of Economic Faculty, University of “Luarasi”, Tirana, represent an overview of survey of Italian High School students how they understand the meaning of LOGISTCS! 

Some of his main presentation is summarized here below:

  • COVID 19 and the measures taken.
  • Opening of new Universities branches and impact on the economy.
  • Enrichment of Curriculums in the field of Business Administration and Finance.
  • In the future some various works are planned for tourism such of construction of cargo ports (Durres and Vlora) and yacht ports (from Shengjini, Lalzi Bay and along the southern Riviera).

SESSION 3: COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY - Increasing efficiency in all modes of transport through new technologies, 4.0 concepts. (Public institutions and private operators) Moderator - Eneida Elezi

Prof.Dr. Nataša Gojković Bukvić, EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Bari, Italy open her presentation with overview according Modern Supply chains that have been adversely impacted by both COVID-19 lockdowns and more recently the speed of the economy recovery. 

Some hot topics mentions in her research are such as:

  • The global trading system urgently requires analysis and improvement if it is to face future issues such as climate change.
  • Public and private partnerships are needed to build a global trading community that is both agile and resilient.
  • Two years into pandemic, there are strong sings global businesses are starting to realize that supply chain actually need root and branch reform.
  • Solution from Public and Private Partnerships (PPP) to entity injecting capital into projects for a better global trading community.

The other participants discussed during this presentation from the Public and Private operators are to mention:

Msc. Fatjona Roda, Projects Coordination Unit, Durres Port Authority, has spoken in her work project regarding Durres Port that has a very strategic position in our region. New infrastructure challenge and also opportunities for the Port of Durres that will give to our economy, new jobs created also improvement in public and private sector.

Msc. Mestjona Banushaj, Chief of Legal Office, Vlore Seaport SH.A, in her speech gave a resume in profile of the Port of Vlora, new opportunistes and strategy in the field of economic, tourism, fishing and transport.

At the end of the meeting participants from the room made question about the relocation of the Port of Vlora and Durres for better environment, rebuilding eco – friendly ports according to EU regulation for yachts and tourists in those cities.

During the event, local media (TV) such as (TV 6 + 1) were present and interview some participants. Also the Media promoted the Event in all News schedules for the day as most important event for the city of Vlora.

Here below is the link that Local Media TV 6+1 show the Event“PORTS.4”.